Posts (page 5)

January 2010 (continued)

  1. Windows 7 NTFS worry...

    Out of the blue, my Windows 7 install decided to run chkdsk on my system drive on startup (once). It didn't find any problems. A little bit more digging…

  1. People's failures at using COM

    What does MSDN say about the ppvObject parameter in IUnknown::QueryInterface? > ppvObject [out] The address of a pointer variable that receives the interface…

December 2009

  1. Mr User Friendly returns

    As does Mr Screen Shot... (If you're wondering, the problem was just that I had the destination file open in a certain application..)

November 2009

  1. UPEK Protector Suite strikes again

    I thought (or perhaps naively hoped) UPEK had fixed all their issues. Alas, I was to be disappointed on a large scale as you can see below. I admit, it's not a…

  1. ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarUpdateButtons complaint again

    I'm going to complain about it again. I recently saw a crash log where the user had right-clicked on our application's notification area icon around the…

September 2009

  1. Windows 7 RTM feedback...

    I decided to go ahead and buy a TechNet subscription so I could "evaluate" Windows 7, and am now running Windows 7 RTM on both of my computers. One was…

August 2009

  1. Braindead logging

    Thanks, Windows.

  1. Fun with ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarUpdateButtons

    This issue just cropped up: -We are in function A (a callback function) -We call ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarUpdateButtons -It calls SendMessageTimeout with the…

July 2009

  1. Blurry text disease strikes again

    A little while ago I wrote about how the Windows 7 RC jump lists are affected by such a problem. I decided to install Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 and to my…

  1. PSU whine/squeal/buzz... (under graphics card load)

    Just wtf is this about. It's horrible, and loud. Seemingly known as 'coil whine', but it's some combination of a whine, buzz and squeal. I had it when I had a…

  1. Let's put the View menu before the Edit menu

    Well, it has been annoying me at least. I might be alone on that though...

June 2009

  1. Windows 7 RC: minor follow-up

    I've discovered that right clicking on various parts of the taskbar/jumplist brings up some menus I find useful - so that's a great help. However, quite a few…

  1. Credit card fraud

    Recently, my credit card was used fraudulently online. It seems to be part of a recent spate of fraudulent transactions relating to people who have shopped at…

May 2009

  1. Some Windows 7 RC impressions...

    I gave in and upgraded Windows Vista SP2 on my laptop to Windows 7 RC. (Moreover, I plan to buy a new laptop around when RTM is released anyway, so I hopefully…

  1. Don't you love brilliantly written software?

    No further comment. Well, except that that is UPEK Protector Suite 2009 Maybe I will try the feedback form....

April 2009

  1. When in doubt, look closer to home

    I saw a string of peculiar messages in the Windows Event Log on my laptop which at first sight looked quite alarming: > Windows (1608) Windows: A request to…

  1. Repeatedness

    If A does something a handful of times, it is described as repeated, and yet when B does it several times as many as A it's not worth mentioning. Strange, isn't it?

  1. Kaspersky vs Visual Studio and the rest of my computer

    I thought I would try Kaspersky Internet Security 2009, since someone else in this household uses a certain bank gives out free licences. I did face some…

  1. Nokia N85: The dodgy earpiece

    I quite liked my N85. Then I read about how various recent Nokia phones made before Feb 2009 had a problem with a faulty earpiece part. Naturally, that followed…

March 2009

  1. Unsubscribing from e-mail newsletters

    I thought I'd try my hand at this today and just found: * It slightly annoying when you are sent an e-mail confirming that you've unsubscribed (hello, I…