web The case of the misplaced GitHub username Recently, when using GitHub’s global code search, I noticed something amiss with one of the results: The file path of the result was somewhat confused. Taking the path literally, there seemed to be a directory named ‘ui_extension.cpp’, as if it were
web The oddness of the BBC Weather scroll bar I often would find myself confused by the scroll bar underneath the days in the forecast on the BBC Weather website. Sometimes it would look like the days were scrolled all the way to the right, when in fact they were scrolled all the
web The history of a website: musicmusic’s (foobar2000) stuff musicmusic’s foobar2000 stuff first appeared in 2003 [https://web.archive.org/web/20031222203115/http://members.lycos.co.uk/musicf/], as a website to host components I had written for the foobar2000 audio player [https://foobar2000.org]. Hosted on free web host Lycos, it’