Recently, I received a report of a hang when using one of my foobar2000 components on Windows 10. I had a process dump file which showed the hang was not in my code: foobar2000 itself was stuck in a loop on the main thread retrying a call to PostMessage after it had returned ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA. That return value indicates that the thread’s message queue has hit its size limit.

According to the documentation for PostMessage [archive]:

  • the default message queue message limit is 10,000 messages;
  • the limit is specified by the USERPostMessageLimit value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows registry key; and
  • the ‘minimum acceptable value’ of the limit is 4000.

It was certainly a curious situation on multiple levels. It was in no way clear why the message queue was full, nor where the bug lay. The process dump file wasn’t much use beyond determining that the message queue was full (as user-mode dump files don’t contain kernel memory, which is where the message queue is held). I could not reproduce the problem either. I’d need to be looking at a kernel dump to inspect the message queue, but it was not something I’d done before.

I came across this article which explained that you can get to a thread’s message queue via the tagTHREADINFO associated with the thread. But, being unfamiliar with kernel debugging, it wasn’t immediately obvious to me how to locate and examine tagTHREADINFO and other structures in a debugger. It turned out it was fairly simple for Windows 7, but in Windows 8 Microsoft removed tagTHREADINFO and other relevant types from the public debugging symbols (and that remains the case today for Windows 10). Nonetheless, I was able to work out how to examine the message queue in a kernel debugger on both Windows 7 and 10, and so I’ll cover both below.

Creating a kernel dump

I first needed to know how to create a kernel dump file. This is where the Microsoft Sysinternals LiveKD utility came handy: it can both start the kernel debugger and create a kernel dump on the local system.[1] That was useful, because it was easier than debugging a second system, and it something someone could potentially do on their own system. LiveKD requires the Debugging Tools for Windows; the version of the debugging tools in the Windows 10 SDK works with Windows 7 to Windows 10 and so is a good one to use.

The LiveKD documentation explains how to use it, but the command to create a (mirror) dump is along the lines of:

set path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64;%path%
livekd -m 18FC -o kernel.dmp

If you have multiple versions of WinDbg installed, you have to be careful because LiveKD might use the wrong one, and you may end up with an unusable dump file if the version used is very old.

In the example above, -m asks for a mirror dump, which ensures captured memory is in a consistent state, and the 18FC following specifies which regions of memory to include in the dump. The default is 18F8 – I added the shared section as tagWND structures seem to lie there.

Once you have a dump file, you can open it up with WinDbg or kd. You will need Microsoft’s symbol server configured, but LiveKD would have set that up for you if it wasn’t already.

Locating tagTHREADINFO on Windows 7

Once you have the dump file loaded up, you can use the !process command to list the threads of a process. Here’s an example on Windows 7 SP1 32-bit:

0: kd> !process 0 2 foobar2000.exe
PROCESS 85eb1030  SessionId: 1  Cid: 0f64    Peb: 7ffd6000  ParentCid: 075c
    DirBase: 3f3627c0  ObjectTable: ab2f1230  HandleCount: 303.
    Image: foobar2000.exe

        THREAD 86826030  Cid 0f64.1214  Teb: 7ffdf000 Win32Thread: fe634dc8 WAIT: (WrResource) KernelMode Non-Alertable
            85c13f78  SynchronizationEvent

        THREAD 86546430  Cid 0f64.12b8  Teb: 7ffde000 Win32Thread: 00000000 WAIT: (UserRequest) UserMode Non-Alertable
            8694b3e0  NotificationEvent
            85602d70  NotificationEvent

From the ‘Jumping the Queues’ article, we’re looking for the tagTHREADINFO or _W32THREAD structure (the latter is the first part of the former). As it turns out, the address of those for a particular thread is the Win32Thread address in the output above.

As an aside, it’s useful to know where that address comes from. The address next to THREAD is the address of the _ETHREAD structure associated with the thread. That structure starts with a _KTHREAD structure, and it is a field within that which contains the Win32Thread address.

The dt (display type) command can be used to illustrate this:

0: kd> dt nt!_ETHREAD Tcb.Win32* 86826030
   +0x000 Tcb       : 
      +0x18c Win32Thread : 0xfe634dc8 Void

Similarly, the address next to PROCESS is an _EPROCESS structure which contains a pointer to the _W32PROCESS structure:

0: kd> dt nt!_EPROCESS Win32* 85eb1030
   +0x120 Win32Process : 0xfe109568 Void
   +0x13c Win32WindowStation : 0x00000030 Void

Back to the main topic. We’re looking for the mlPost field in the tagTHREADINFO structure. We can again use the dt command to display the definition of tagTHREADINFO – here’s partial output of it for Windows 7 SP1 32-bit:

0: kd> dt win32k!tagTHREADINFO
   +0x000 pEThread         : Ptr32 _ETHREAD
   +0x004 RefCount         : Uint4B
   +0x174 mlPost           : tagMLIST
   +0x210 dwIntegrityLevelMouseHookTarget : Uint4B
   +0x214 StackListHead    : _LIST_ENTRY

And there’s our mlPost field, of type tagMLIST. Here’s the definition of tagMLIST and also the related tagQMSG and tagMSG structures (again 32-bit versions):

0: kd> dt win32k!tagMLIST
   +0x000 pqmsgRead        : Ptr32 tagQMSG
   +0x004 pqmsgWriteLast   : Ptr32 tagQMSG
   +0x008 cMsgs            : Uint4B
0: kd> dt win32k!tagQMSG
   +0x000 pqmsgNext        : Ptr32 tagQMSG
   +0x004 pqmsgPrev        : Ptr32 tagQMSG
   +0x008 msg              : tagMSG
   +0x024 ExtraInfo        : Int4B
   +0x028 ptMouseReal      : tagPOINT
   +0x030 dwQEvent         : Pos 0, 30 Bits
   +0x030 Padding          : Pos 30, 2 Bits
   +0x034 Wow64Message     : Pos 0, 1 Bit
   +0x034 NoCoalesce       : Pos 1, 1 Bit
   +0x034 FromTouch        : Pos 2, 1 Bit
   +0x034 FromPen          : Pos 3, 1 Bit
   +0x038 pti              : Ptr32 tagTHREADINFO
   +0x03c MsgPPInfo        : tagMSGPPINFO
0: kd> dt win32k!tagMSG
   +0x000 hwnd             : Ptr32 HWND__
   +0x004 message          : Uint4B
   +0x008 wParam           : Uint4B
   +0x00c lParam           : Int4B
   +0x010 time             : Uint4B
   +0x014 pt               : tagPOINT

As can be seen, tagMLIST is a doubly-linked list, and as such each message in the queue contains pointers to the previous and next message.

Examining the message queue

As shown earlier, you can give the dt command a type and an address and it will show values from memory alongside the definition of the type. But tagTHREADINFO is a large structure – I was only interested in the mlPost field and all its subfields. You could get there using dt, but I soon found the dx command which I found more suited to this purpose. It effectively allows you to evaluate a C++ expression involving types from debugging symbols. Here’s an example of using dx to display the everything under the mlPost field:[1:1]

0: kd> dx -r9 -n ((win32k!tagTHREADINFO*)0xfffffffffe634dc8)->mlPost
((win32k!tagTHREADINFO*)0xfffffffffe634dc8)->mlPost                 [Type: tagMLIST]
    [+0x000] pqmsgRead        : 0xfffffffffdef6918 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x000] pqmsgNext        : 0x0 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x004] pqmsgPrev        : 0x0 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x008] msg              [Type: tagMSG]
            [+0x000] hwnd             : 0x505e4 [Type: HWND__ *]
                [+0x000] unused           : Unable to read memory at Address 0x505e4
            [+0x004] message          : 0x113 [Type: unsigned int]
            [+0x008] wParam           : 0xc0ffee [Type: unsigned int]
            [+0x00c] lParam           : 0 [Type: long]
            [+0x010] time             : 0xa041e1 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x014] pt               [Type: tagPOINT]
                [+0x000] x                : 815 [Type: long]
                [+0x004] y                : 100 [Type: long]
        [+0x024] ExtraInfo        : 0 [Type: long]
        [+0x028] ptMouseReal      [Type: tagPOINT]
            [+0x000] x                : 815 [Type: long]
            [+0x004] y                : 100 [Type: long]
        [+0x030 (29: 0)] dwQEvent         : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x030 (31:30)] Padding          : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x034 ( 0: 0)] Wow64Message     : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 1: 1)] NoCoalesce       : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 2: 2)] FromTouch        : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 3: 3)] FromPen          : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x038] pti              : 0x0 [Type: tagTHREADINFO *]
        [+0x03c] MsgPPInfo        [Type: tagMSGPPINFO]
            [+0x000] dwIndexMsgPP     : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
    [+0x004] pqmsgWriteLast   : 0xfffffffffdef6918 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x000] pqmsgNext        : 0x0 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x004] pqmsgPrev        : 0x0 [Type: tagQMSG *]
        [+0x008] msg              [Type: tagMSG]
            [+0x000] hwnd             : 0x505e4 [Type: HWND__ *]
                [+0x000] unused           : Unable to read memory at Address 0x505e4
            [+0x004] message          : 0x113 [Type: unsigned int]
            [+0x008] wParam           : 0xc0ffee [Type: unsigned int]
            [+0x00c] lParam           : 0 [Type: long]
            [+0x010] time             : 0xa041e1 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x014] pt               [Type: tagPOINT]
                [+0x000] x                : 815 [Type: long]
                [+0x004] y                : 100 [Type: long]
        [+0x024] ExtraInfo        : 0 [Type: long]
        [+0x028] ptMouseReal      [Type: tagPOINT]
            [+0x000] x                : 815 [Type: long]
            [+0x004] y                : 100 [Type: long]
        [+0x030 (29: 0)] dwQEvent         : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x030 (31:30)] Padding          : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x034 ( 0: 0)] Wow64Message     : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 1: 1)] NoCoalesce       : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 2: 2)] FromTouch        : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x034 ( 3: 3)] FromPen          : 0 [Type: int]
        [+0x038] pti              : 0x0 [Type: tagTHREADINFO *]
        [+0x03c] MsgPPInfo        [Type: tagMSGPPINFO]
            [+0x000] dwIndexMsgPP     : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
    [+0x008] cMsgs            : 0x1 [Type: unsigned long]

And, there’s the message queue for this thread (which, from the value of cMsgs, has just one message in it). Note that here we have HWNDs and not pointers to tagWND structures. You may be interested in things like the window title and class of the window each message is going to, but these are in the tagWND structure and I don’t know at present how to go from an HWND to a tagWND structure using a kernel dump. At run-time, though, it can be done by the private ValidateHWND user32 function. (You may find it easier to save the details of all windows to a text file at the same time as making the dump; WinLister can do that if you enable the options to show hidden and zero-size windows.)

What about Windows 10?

As mentioned, Microsoft have removed the types required from the debugging symbols for Windows 8 and newer, which certainly makes the task no easier. With a bit of effort, however, I was able to locate the message queue once again.

Here’s how to get to them as of an up-to-date version of Windows 10 version 1511 (build 10586.420). The first thing to note is that the Win32Thread address isn’t the address of a win32k!_W32THREAD structure (at least for the threads I looked at). I suspect it is instead a win32k!_W32THREADNONPAGED structure.[1:2] Regardless of whether that’s right, at the address is a pointer to the actual win32k!_W32THREAD structure.

Here’s an example on Windows 10 32-bit:

0: kd> !process 0 2 foobar2000.exe  
PROCESS c5d252c0  SessionId: 1  Cid: 0e00    Peb: 00eb0000  ParentCid: 0820
    DirBase: 05800520  ObjectTable: 93ef2a80  HandleCount: <Data Not Accessible>
    Image: foobar2000.exe

        THREAD af70db00  Cid 0e00.0ac0  Teb: 00eb1000 Win32Thread: bc5c1948 WAIT: (WrUserRequest) UserMode Non-Alertable
            bc58c7d0  SynchronizationEvent
0: kd> dt nt!_ETHREAD Tcb.Win32* af70db00
   +0x000 Tcb       : 
      +0x124 Win32Thread : 0xbc5c1948 Void
0: kd> dt win32k!_W32THREADNONPAGED bc5c1948
   +0x000 pW32Thread       : 0x8dadc7a8 _W32THREAD
   +0x008 llQPCUserCritAcquire : 0n18795838967
   +0x010 ullUserCritAcquireToken : 0x14292c9
0: kd> dt win32k!_W32THREAD 8dadc7a8
   +0x000 pEThread         : 0xaf70db00 _ETHREAD
   +0x004 RefCount         : 1
   +0x008 ptlW32           : (null) 

tagMLIST and pqmsgRead are then at an offset of 0x194 (32-bit)/0x2d8 (64-bit) from the start of _W32THREAD. The rest of the structures seem to be broadly the same (at least, pqmsgNext, pqmsgPrev and msg of tagQMSG were).

What about the original problem?

It was some time before I found out that the problem was caused by the message queue was being filled to its limit, and then a bit more time before I worked out how to examine the message queue in a kernel dump on Windows 10.

In the meantime, I suspect the person with the problem simply moved on with their life. On the plus side, I’m prepared if the problem crops up again.

  1. Surprisingly, a Google search for _W32THREADNONPAGED yielded no results. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎